History of phreaking

The precise origins of phone phreaking are unknown, although it is believed[who?] that phreak-like experimentation began with widespread deployment of automatic switches on the telephone networks. In the United States, AT&T began introducing automatic switches for long distance and certain forms of trunking carriers in the mid-to-late 1950s. With the introduction of these switches, the general population began, for the first time, to interact with computing power on a large scale.

Blog Definition

Blog is short for "web log" is a form of web applications that resemble the writings (published as posts) in a public web pages. These writings are often published in reverse order (newest content first and then followed the older content), though not forever so. Web sites like this can usually be accessed by all Internet users according to topic and purpose of the user's blog.


- 1950s: amateur radio enthusiasts defined the term hacking as creatively tinkering to improve performance.
1959: hack is defined in MIT's Tech Model Railroad Club Dictionary as "1) an article or project without constructive end; 2) a project undertaken on bad self-advice; 3) an entropy booster; 4) to produce, or attempt to produce, a hack(3)." hacker is defined as "one who hacks, or makes them." Much of the TMRC's jargon is later imported into early computing culture.


In computing, a hacker is a person in one of several distinct (but not completely disjoint) communities and subcultures :

a.  A community of enthusiast computer programmers and systems designers, originated in the 1960s around the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)'s Tech Model Railroad Club (TMRC) and MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.